Why shoppers expect and are willing to pay for premium return experiences


We surveyed 1,000 US online shoppers to learn more about shifting return preferences and how brands can drive meaningful consumer-brand interactions.


The results were clear: shoppers’ return standards are rising. Discover what that means for your brand in our newest consumer report, along with:


  • How popular consumer return methods are rapidly shifting
  • What younger generations value most in a return
  • How consumers view the added cost of premium return offerings
  • Why sustainability is increasingly important for your returns



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Extra cost? No problem.

70% of consumers are willing to pay a small fee for a premium return experience

Sometimes, premium returns can come with a premium price tag. If you’re worried about who’s going to cover the extra cost, we’ve got good news.

Consumers are putting their money where their values are. Convenient and hassle-free returns truly matter, and shoppers are willing to pay in exchange for a premium experience.

automated returns

Return standards are rising

98% of consumers are more likely to shop again if provided a fast, convenient returns experience

Consumers have spoken, and it’s time to listen. If customer retention is top of mind in 2023, look no further than your return process.

Brands need a premium return experience to satisfy shoppers, which means elevating convenience through features such as at-home return pickup, packageless drop-off, or QR code initiation.

Sustainability on the brain

Sustainable returns boost satisfaction and drive repeat purchases

Consumer standards are rising for every aspect of the returns experience, and sustainability is no exception.

In fact, 88% of shoppers agree that if a retailer offers eco-friendly return options, they’re more likely to become repeat customers.

That means if you’re looking for ways to boost retention, it’s essential to consider sustainable options when crafting your return policy.

It’s time to offer premium returns

Consumers demand fast, hassle-free return experiences. Is your brand keeping up?

The data is clear. Providing a premium and sustainable return experience in an essential step in delighting customers and increasing retention rates. 

Ready to see how Loop can help?