Customers/Hedley & Bennett

How Hedley & Bennett reduced CX support time with Loop

Find out how Loop’s self-service and exchange optimization features deliver an empowering customer experience that reduces support requests and increases retained revenue.

The Challenge: Manual returns were a burden for the CX team

Hedley & Bennett prides themselves on providing a superior customer experience and responding quickly to questions to help shoppers find the right products for their needs – but the burden of walking their customers through basic data entry around return requests was taking valuable time and attention away from customers who had genuine questions that required CX expertise to solve.

One of the key metrics that Feczko tracks is the volume of support tickets related to returns. “Keeping that number to a minimum to keep that type of request off of our CX team is incredibly important to us” he says.

Hedley & Bennett was ready to automate their returns process to free up their CX agents’ time to respond more quickly to customers with questions about their products, so that they could elevate the customer experience during both the pre-purchase and post-purchase stages.

Loop Workflows takes returns management off CX’s plate

Loop’s automation feature, Workflows, enables Hedley & Bennett to set up a seamless self-service customer portal, where shoppers can manage their returns independently without engaging a CX agent for support.

Using Workflows, shoppers can set up returns on eligible items instantly, without waiting in customer support queues for help. The returns process can be easily automated, with customized conditions for return or exchange based on the item category. Shoppers are able to instantly receive their refund or store credit, and ship back their product with a printable return mailing label or by taking the product to a nearby drop-off location.

One element of Loop’s self-service portal that Feczko loves is the ability to self-service even when the customer has incomplete information. “Maybe it was a gift, or they don’t have the order number. The ability to navigate and self-service there is really great, and it keeps most tickets from ever getting submitted through our CX team,” he says.

“Loop’s ability to make things easy is the number one thing that our customers and our team both appreciate.”

Taking the returns process off of the CX team’s plate reduces their support ticket volume for tasks that can be easily handled through automation – enhancing response times and service quality for shoppers who have questions that still require hands-on support. They’ve reduced support ticket volume, thanks to Loop’s automated returns management feature, and seen CSAT scores go up.


Better CX with return automation

Enhance the customer experience with streamlined returns

Loop’s Instant Exchange makes it easy for shoppers to swap sizes and styles

As a kitchen apparel and gear company, Hedley & Bennett knows the importance of helping home and pro chefs find the products that they’re most comfortable in – both in terms of size and style. But when it comes to online purchases, shoppers aren’t always able to find the right fit the first time around.

Hedley & Bennett encourages shoppers to instantly swap out the product they’re returning, using collected data around the reason for a product to return to offer curated recommendations. If the slip-proof Crocs that a customer purchased were a size too small, Loop’s portal will recommend the next size up, and enable the shopper to make the swap instantly, shipping the new shoes even before receiving the returned product.

Rather than requesting a refund, shoppers can instantly exchange one product for another, with any price differences applied instantly against the balance of the returned product. That makes it easier to try out different options in a risk-free environment, retaining more of your customers.


Improve revenue retention with Instant Exchanges

Help shoppers find the right fit instead of getting a refund

The Outcome: A seamless solution that reduces CX ticket volume and increases revenue retention

Hedley & Bennett has found the Loop platform to be intuitive and effortless to manage – on both the merchant and the customer sides.

Loop’s automation features have facilitated a smooth, self-service returns workflow for customers that makes it easy for them to explore new product options when making a return. The brand has been able to dedicate more time to hands-on CX for more complex issues, while seeing customer satisfaction go up through faster self-service resolution and a simpler exchange process.

“I’m looking for a solution that works for our customers on a daily basis,” says Fezcko. “And when it’s not working, the issue gets resolved quickly. That’s the gold standard for a system like this from an executive’s perspective. Loop checks that box with flying colors.”

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Find out how Loop’s self-service and exchange optimization features deliver an empowering customer experience that reduces support requests and increases retained revenue.



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