
How Inherit Clothing Co. reduced refunds by 35% with Loop

Here’s how Loop’s Instant Exchange and Shop Now features help Inherit Clothing Co. boost revenue retention and upsells.


Refunds reduced by 35%


Retained revenue of $13.8K


Boosted upsell revenue by 333%

The Challenge: Refunds took a big chunk out of profits

Inherit had been processing returns manually, and while the brand offered exchanges, no one was taking them up on the opportunity – 100% of the shoppers returning items were asking for refunds, leading to lower profit margins and increased reverse logistics costs. Manual returns also took a lot of time for the small team to process, taking time away from more important strategic initiatives.

Instant Exchange transformed 48% of returns into exchanges

After partnering with Loop and adding their Instant Exchange feature, Inherit was able to instantly and dramatically increase their exchange rate – from nothing to almost half of all shoppers who were returning items.

Instant Exchange surfaces curated recommendations for shoppers based on the reason they’re returning an item – if a dress was a size too small, why not try the next size up?

Shoppers can swap out their purchase for the replacement instantly, and Inherit will ship the new item out without charging the shopper’s card or waiting for the return to come in. This process is effortless both for shoppers and for the merchant, eliminating friction from the exchange process and incentivizing shoppers to choose an exchange rather than requesting a refund.

“Our objective with returns when we first started, my wife Amy always said, ‘I want a good customer experience,’” says Anthony Ekren. “So when you find a software solution that has the same values there, it’s refreshing.”


Effortless Exchanges

Take the friction out of the exchange process

Loop’s Shop Now feature boosts upsells by 333%

By activating “Shop Now,” Inherit made it simple for shoppers to not only exchange one version of a product for another size or color – they could easily select alternate items from the shop’s entire inventory. The shopper can see how much credit they have available from their return, and receive a credit or debit to their account if the new item has a different price. That’s resulted in a huge uptick in upsells when shoppers opt to choose a more expensive item or add additional items to their cart.

“As far as benefits go, we had an immediate response from our customers on how much they like the new features,” says Ekren. “We are loving the reduction in refunds.”


Upsell Your Shoppers

Generate new revenue through effortless upsells

The Outcome: Higher revenue retention and customer satisfaction

Both the Inherit team and their customers are loving the ease of use they’ve found with Loop’s self-service exchange-optimized platform.

Ekren also applauds Loop’s stellar merchant support services: “If I have a problem, I’m getting next-day answers. The account managers have been awesome. They’re checking in, which is rare with other apps.”

Prior to engaging with Loop, Inherit’s exchange and upsell rate was non-existent. Now, they’re seeing nearly half of all returns transformed to exchanges or upsells – helping the brand retain happy, loyal customers for the long haul.

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Here’s how Loop’s Instant Exchange and Shop Now features help Inherit Clothing Co. boost revenue retention and upsells.



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