Loop vs Redo

Why more merchants choose Loop - the flexible, scalable, and trusted choice.

“Loop lets us spend less time processing returns so we can focus on high-value customer interactions”

Matthew Solusod / Aviator Nation

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Compare Loop vs Redo

The big picture: Loop is the proven and seasoned expert. We power returns for over 4,000 Shopify merchants and connect to over 120 integration partners. All with expert support and 99.9% uptime over the past 4 holiday seasons.

Return Policy / Workflows

Fully customize your return policy for different outcomes and special cases easily within Loop Admin.
With Workflows, merchants can accommodate scenarios that fall outside a typical return policy.

Outcomes can be set based on product type, return reason, order value, customer conditions, and more.

Includes photo upload feature.

Create flexible policy rules with the Flexible Return Engine that include tags, price, time, and more.


Offers Advanced exchanges, variant exchanges, different-priced exchanges, Instant Exchange, Bonus Credit, Shop Now & Later.

Customers can exchange for any items across your entire product catalog directly within the platform with Shop Now.

Shop Later allows customers who initially opt for a refund to change their mind for an exchange or store credit, before their return is processed.

Offers Advanced exchanges, variant exchanges, 2-Click Swaps, Instant Exchange, and Shop Again.

Consumer-Paid Returns

Offset gives customers the option of paying a small fee during checkout for a free return later, allowing merchants to fully cover the cost of Loop’s industry-leading software and return shipping.

Offset is also the only consumer-paid returns model with access to Return Bar® drop-offs.

Customers purchase Redo for a fee at checkout for free returns.


Unlimited warehouse locations available.

Efficient routing based on smart rate shopping and configured
destination rules.



Loop POS functionality supports:
Start return online, drop-off in-store
Buy online, return in-store (BORIS)
Includes exchanges, gift returns, ability to capture upsell revenue, flexible restocking, and easy order management.



Offers 120+ integrations for easy integration with your tech stack

Redo lists 12 integrations on their website


24/7 support
<2 hour response time

24/7 support

Uptime Guarantee

99.9% uptime guarantee


Fraud detection

Intelligent suite of fraud tools enable you to proactively protect revenue while continuing to offer the best returns experience.

Offers grading & disposition data from the warehouse to better identify return policy abusers. Set workflows to mitigate risk or place bad actors on a blocklist.



Enable shoppers to self-serve warranty claims directly through the Loop portal.



Track by Loop includes order, returns, and exchange tracking - now FREE through peak season.

Branded tracking pages with tracking updates and history, product recommendations, FAQ and “start a return” button.

Shipping update notifications are sent using Shopify shipping updates, or our merchants can choose to leverage Klaviyo.

Redo's tracking product allows for proactive tracking updates on outgoing and returned items. While Track by Loop is free through peak season, Redo does not indicate whether or not they charge for their tracking product.

4 ways Loop is uniquely different from Redo


Return Bar® Drop-Offs

Boost CLTV by giving shoppers a premium return dropoff experience with 10,000+ Return Bar® locations nationwide, and fully cover the shipping costs with Offset - the only consumer-paid returns model with access to Return Bar® drop-offs.


Your brand, your policy

Offset keeps your brand in the spotlight, not Loop’s or Redo’s. Loop offers both free and subscription based options, so you can choose the consumer-paid returns model that works best for your business.


Shop Now and Shop Later

With Loop’s Shop Now, Shop Later, and Bonus Credit features, you’ll have everything you need to keep your shoppers engaged and create more upsell opportunities.


Order, Returns and Exchange Tracking

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Don’t take our word for it


Shopify’s top brands


average rating


in sales retained

"Loop is fantastic! It has all the features we want and some that we didn't even know we needed! The Workflow feature helped us become way more efficient. Definitely worth the price of the app."
"Our business relies on Loop for all our returns and exchanges globally across 6 regions. The app is seamless to integrate, easy to use and integral to providing our customers with the experience that we've built our brand on. Couldn't recommend higher."
"Working with Loop has been great so far! The app integrates seamlessly with the other platforms we utilize. The analytics have been very helpful for our business. Our Merchant Success representative has been super diligent in providing support and assistance. Would definitely recommend the platform to others!"
"Loop has been great! It has greatly improved our customer experience since implementing it. In addition it has drastically lessened the work load on our customer service department. Allowing the team to respond to tickets much faster without being so bogged down dealing with returns and exchanges. Highly recommend!"
"We've been with Loop since the early days, it changed the game for us and our returns process as a whole. A fantastic product with fantastic customer support! I'd highly recommend Loop for any store looking to streamline returns in a super-efficient way!"
"Loop has truly been a game-changer for our e-commerce operation! Their seamless collaboration with us has made managing returns and exchanges a breeze. Their system is not only reliable but also incredibly user-friendly for both our customers and our internal team. Plus, our dedicated rep is a gem, always ready to assist with their deep knowledge of the product. We truly appreciate the invaluable service they provide."

Sounds great but I have a few doubts

Loop offers both free & subscription-based pricing plans. Check out our pricing page for more details.

Yes, set up time to talk with your Loop rep so we can provide a solution that accomodates your unique return policies.

While Loop does not offer a free trial, you can use Offset to get our industry leading software, expert support, and return shipping - all for free.

Retain more revenue with Loop today

With Loop, your brand gets industry leading software, expert support, and return shipping - all now for free.