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Instant Exchange

Instant exchanges & refunds without the risk

Encourage more exchanges and repeat purchases with Loop’s Instant Exchange, a proven favorite.

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Out of Stock

Out-of-stock notices? Fresh out.

Don’t let your shoppers miss out on what they want because they have to wait for a return to process before their exchange ships out.

Give shoppers peace of mind

Instant Exchange give shoppers peace of mind by giving them the chance to snag the last item in stock before it sells out. And it retains revenue that you might have otherwise lost.

Get your shoppers the items they want

Instant Exchange work together with Shop Now and Bonus Credit to create an experience that feels like shopping—only inside the returns flow.

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Immediate fulfillment

Drive loyalty with exchanges that fulfill instantly

Nobody likes waiting for an exchange to go through. Help inspire confidence in your shoppers by sending them their exchange before they’ve even shipped their return.

Because we collect shoppers’ payment information beforehand, Instant Exchange provide a solution that trustworthy shoppers will love, bad actors will avoid, and that completely eliminates risk.

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Helpful Instant Exchange Resources

Put out-of-stock notices out of mind.

Keep your business safe while providing your shoppers with a world-class returns experience. For certain exchanges, speed is everything. Help them keep up.